Attn.: Employees responsible for managing securities positions between the on-exchange and OTC markets

01 February 2018
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Dear Clients,

Please be informed that NSD has made it possible for you to sign up for the service that allows to automatically transfer securities to NCC for clearing.

Who might be interested in the new service?

Clients of NSD and NCC who:

  • hold both on-exchange and OTC securities positions;
  • buy securities in the OTC market and then sell them on the Moscow Exchange;
  • wish to transfer securities from the OTC market to the exchange automatically; and
  • wish to reduce operational risk of accidental failure to replenish a T+ position with securities required to settle the final net liability, which may result in a rollover at a penalty fee rate.

How does it work?

NSD's client marks securities accounts and sub-accounts from which securities are permitted to be transferred to NCC for clearing. Before the relevant clearing sessions (17:00, 19:00), NCC calculates the quantity of securities to be delivered by the client to his counterparties. If the securities available in the client's accounts with NCC are insufficient, NCC sends a request to NSD. Provided that required securities are available in the client's marked accounts with NSD, NSD automatically transfers them to NCC for clearing before the start of the clearing session.

The service will be provided in accordance with NCC's Clearing Rules and the Guidelines on the Procedure for Interaction between NSD and Clients in the Course of Collateral Management Services.

For further information, please contact your account manager by telephone: +7 495 956-27-90, +7 495 956-27-91.

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