Ref. 45-20/3596 dated 10 June 2019
Attn.: NSD's Clients
NSD has received a letter from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation regarding the use of Reporting Form 0409713 in accordance with Bank of Russia's Guidelines No. 4927-U dated 8 October 2018 ("Report"), and would like to advise you as follows:
If your client being a nominee holder has been struck off the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (the "Register") as a result of its liquidation, that nominee holder is not required to be disclosed in the Report.
To enable us to fill in Section 2 of the Report, we request that you, in due time, no later than the dates as of which the relevant information is to be provided to the Bank of Russia, provide us with information regarding non-disclosure by you of your clients (being nominee holders) to NSD, where those clients have been struck off the Register.
Please provide the requested information in any format, and make sure that the following details are included:
- issuer's full name;
- record date;
- security's ISIN;
- quantity of securities held by each client not disclosed to NSD; and
- reason why those clients have not been disclosed to NSD ("(name of the client) has been struck off the Unified State Register of Legal Entities").
In case of any question related to this communication, you may contact your account managers at +7 495 956-27-90 or +7 495 956-27-91.