Ref. No. 47-20/8738 dated 15 December 2021
Attn.: NSD's Clients
Please be advised that NSD has posted new information on its official web site, in the section «SRD II».
In particular, the "Roadmap of Client Testing" (the “Roadmap”) was added in the sub-section “Migration to the new ISO 20022 standard”. Also, the “Guidelines for Online Application to Participate in NSD Systems Testing” were added.
In order to provide a more comfortable migration to the ISO 20022 Standard for the processes of shareholder identification and general meetings of shareholders, we encourage you to take part in the testing within the timeframes specified in the Roadmap.
If you would like to join the testing, please complete the online application form in accordance with the Gidelines.
For each stage of testing, NSD will announce the registration start dates in due course.
If you have any questions related to this communication, please contact your account manager by telephone: +7 495 232-05-14 or by email: .