Seventy-seven percent of Moscow Exchange shareholders who took part in the Annual General Meeting of shareholders (AGM) have used the e-voting option provided for by National Settlement Depository (NSD).
Moscow Exchange has carried out a voting process at the AGM on the basis of the E-voting platform developed by NSD. Approximately 77% of the Moscow Exchange’s shareholders who attended the meeting voted electronically. Twenty percent of shareholders used NSD’s E-voting platform, and 57% of shareholders used the e-proxy voting technology (voted on via their depositories). More than 73% of the votes of persons entitled to take part in the AGM were submitted electronically.
The e-voting option was available for use from 6 to 23 April 2018, and again on 26 April when the AGM was held. During this period, the shareholders could study AGM-related materials and vote online. The platform supports two languages: the interface, AGM materials, and items put to a vote are available in both Russian and English.
The new platform is available for all categories of shareholders regardless of where their securities are held – with a depository or the register. There are several ways to access the service: via a verified account on the State Services Portal or by using a one-time login and password provided by JSC STATUS, the Company’s registrar. Shareholders may access the new online platform anywhere in the world using their personal computers or mobile devices.