NDC’s Annual Report Wins Securities Market Magazine Special Award

21 November 2008
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The National Depository Center (NDC), Russia's only settlement depository servicing the full range of Russian securities, announces that its annual report has won the prize for “Consistency of Data Presentation and Design of Annual Report” in the 11th Federal Annual Reports and Corporate Web Sites Award. The Award is organized by Securities Market (“Rynok Tsennykh Bumag”) magazine jointly with MICEX Stock Exchange and The Ministry for Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Anastasiya Plakhotnaya, Chief Editor, Securities Market magazine, who headed the Award’s Organizing Committee, said: “The Award was founded by Securities Market magazine in 1997, so its traditions include consideration of the balance between information presented in the annual report and design. We think that NDC’s annual report corresponds with that approach since the information about the company’s financial results and its operations is presented concisely and expressively and also provides complete data on the company’s activities for 2007 despite the fact that the not-for-profit partnership’s operations did not allow a full comparison with the reports of other Russian organizations.”

The Federal Annual Reports and Corporate Web Sites Award is intended to help increase information transparency, improve corporate governance practices and raise the investment attractiveness of issuers. In total, 159 organizations representing various industries took part in the Award this year, a record number. Annual reports of 139 companies and web sites of 121 organizations were nominated for the Award.

The awards ceremony was held in Moscow on 19 November as a part of the program of the 5th Federal Investment Forum.

About NDC:

Not-for-Profit Partnership “The National Depository Center” is the largest settlement depository in Russia, servicing the full range of debt and equity securities of Russian issuers. NDC provides storage of global certificates and depository accounting for 99% of corporate bond issues, sub-federal and municipal bond issues. It services 100% of transactions conducted in the federal bond and the Bank of Russia bond markets, more than 99% of transactions conducted in the corporate and regional bond markets, and more than 99% of stock exchange transactions with equities and OTC trades. The international rating agency Thomas Murray has assigned NDC an АА- rating as a central depository. NDC is Russia's national numbering agency, and the substituting numbering agency for the CIS, authorized to assign the international ISIN and CFI codes.

Among NDC’s founders are MICEX and Bank of Russia (the founders’ shares in the property of NDC are 46.67% and 39.35% respectively, and in the votes 50.16% and 42.3% respectively). Members include GPB OJSC (Gazprombank), Evrofinans Mosnarbank, Rosbank, VTB Bank (Vneshtorgbank), Bank of Moscow, Rossiysky Credit Bank, Vnesheconombank, ING Bank Eurasia, JP Morgan Bank International LLC, UniCredit, Deutsche Bank, and Sberbank. The Partnership also has stakes in Depository Clearing Company CJSC (37.29%), in Settlement Depository Company CJSC (28.54%) and in Bank "National Clearing Centre" CJSC (0.27%).

For further information about NDC: www.ndc.ru, or NDC Public Affairs Department: +7 495 232 0910, .





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