NSD and Interfax Launch RU DATA, a Base of Reference Data on Russian Securities and Issuers

23 April 2015
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National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia’s central securities depository, and Interfax information agency, have announced a launch and a beginning of providing access to Reference United Data (RU DATA), a unified system of corporate information collection, verification and distribution.

RU DATA is a reference database, a first database in the Russian market, integrating all accessible updated information and the record keeping system’s data on Russian issuers and their financial instruments. The official status of RU DATA’s information, the guaranteed high quality and multiple verification of data, information updated in real time and flexible technologies of data integration directly in a client’s information system allow to considerably minimize risks of using incorrect data and reduce market participants’ expenses for corporate information processing and matching.

An official status of the information provided by RU DATA is guaranteed through a unique position of the partners in the financial market. Interfax as an authorized corporate information disclosure agency receives announcements about material facts and reports directly from issuers. NSD, which functions as Russia’s central securities depository and National Numbering Agency and works on a large scale Corporate Action Center project, provides assets safekeeping and record keeping services and takes part in the corporate action support as a central element of the record keeping system of the Russian Federation.

RU DATA has integrated all accessible information about the Russian securities market. Its product includes data marks indicating a source and a status of information. The record keeping system’s data are represented by NSD’s information about securities admitted for servicing by NSD, about associated organizations and corporate actions. Being a record keeping institution, NSD registers information only after official receipt of all documents. Data disclosed by issuers via the authorized agencies’ system and provided by Interfax contain updated and additional information about securities (including securities not admitted for servicing by NSD) and a full base of material facts in the well-structured format. After formation of the Corporate Action Center, the RU DATA product will include data received by NSD directly from issuers and registrars in the process of corporate actions.

A high quality of RU DATA’s information is guaranteed through a multi-level verification of data. Interfax as an authorized corporate information disclosure agency carries out an initial verification of data received directly from issuers. NSD uses its GoldenSource Enterprise Data Management System to verify counter flows of data provided by issuers and registrars, the Bank of Russia, Interfax and other sources. The final matching of the integrated flow of information is held by Interfax prior to sending it to the clients.

RU DATA is updated in real time. The regulatory change in the parameter takes place no later than in 24 hours after the event. NSD and Interfax match data every day at 11 am. Data may be uploaded as often as a client needs – from a regular daily update to a “request-response” format.

RU DATA can provide data in different formats and composition in accordance with a client’s needs. Data transmission technologies are focused on integration with clients’ internal databases using web services (JSON) or MS Excel functions (Add-In). The product includes additional options for risk assessment; among them are international rating agencies’ ratings, calendars of coupons and offers, and a large number of fields for risk assessment.

Technical support of the database and access to the RU DATA product is provided by Interfax. Market participants may use an opportunity to test the product and to establish necessary parameters for data uploading.

A procedure of connecting to RU DATA

  1. To sign up for RU DATA, a potential client should send an application to Interfax via email ( or ) or call to the agency (+7 495 357-20-77).
  2. Interfax managers will form a request based upon the client’s needs and propose an optimal configuration of the product in respect of data composition, format and cost of the product.
  3. Once the client approves the parameters of the request, Interfax prepares an example of data uploaded in the Excel format, taking into account the client’s wishes and allowing to check the data quality and speed of the data update.
  4. After the initial assessment of the product, the client can get a final product for testing and tuning his or her company’s internal information systems; as a rule, it takes one or two months.
  5. RU DATA’s clients are provided with a permanent online support and an opportunity to adjust and amend the composition of data according to their needs.
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