NSD Announces AGM Results

31 May 2018
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National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russian’s central securities depository, carried out the annual general meeting of shareholders (AGM) on 31 May 2018.

The company’s shareholders adopted the following resolutions:

  • NSD’s annual report for 2017, including annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements, was approved;
  • The company’s net profit in the amount of RUB 2,689,521 thousand1 was allocated for dividend payment calculated on the basis of RUB 2,277.95 per one common registered share before tax on income received in the form of dividend. The record date for persons entitled to receive dividend was set at 10 June 2018.
  • CJSC Deloitte & Touche CIS was approved as NSD’s auditor for conducting the RAS and IFRS audit until the NSD's 2019 AGM.
  • 15 members of the Supervisory Board were elected:
    1. Eddie Astanin;
    2. Alexander Afanasiev;
    3. Paul Anne F. Bodart;
    4. Mikhail Bratanov;
    5. Oleg Vyugin;
    6. Andrey Golikov;
    7. Yuri Denisov
    8. Bella Zlatkis;
    9. Sergey Ivliyev;
    10. Sergei Lykov;
    11. Paul James Ostling;
    12. Anton Ostrovskiy;
    13. Andrey Popov;
    14. Nadezhda Ushakova;
    15. Ilya Yuzhanov.
  • New members of the Internal Audit Commission of NSD were elected until the NSD's 2019 AGM:
    1. Natalia Bogatova;
    2. Olga Gordienko;
    3. Vladimir Sukhachev.
  • The members of the Supervisory Board elected 30 May 2017 at the AGM will receive remuneration calculated in compliance with the terms established by Regulations on Remuneration and Compensation of Expenses of the Members of the Supervisory Board of NSD2 given their individual contribution to the company’s management.

About National Settlement Depository

National Settlement Depository (NSD), a part of the Moscow Exchange Group, is the central securities depository* of the Russian Federation.
NSD was founded 27 June 1996. On 31 March 2018, the value of securities under custody amounted to RUB 41.7 trillion. The Bank of Russia recognized NSD as a systemically important central securities depository, settlement depository, and repository. The NSD payment system has the status of a systemically and nationally important system.

NSD offers a wide range of services to its clients, including settlement and depository services, OTC transaction registration (repository services), information services, collateral management services, and technological services.

As Russia's national numbering agency and the substitute numbering agency for the CIS, NSD is authorized to assign international ISIN, CFI and FISN codes. NSD has the status of a Local Operating Unit (LOU), which allows it to assign Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) to corporate clients.
The Bank of Russia has assigned NSD the status of an operator of the NSD Payment System (registered name).

NSD settles on-exchange trades and conducts a major part of OTC settlements; it services Russian and foreign securities as the central securities depository. Currently, NSD has accounts with central securities depositories and international central securities depositories of eight countries, as well as correspondent accounts with major foreign and Russian banks. NSD services securities issued by companies representing more than 40 countries. The international rating agency Thomas Murray has assigned NSD an AA- rating as a central securities depository.
For additional information about NSD please visit www.nsd.ru/en.

* The central securities depository status was assigned to NSD by the Russian Federal Financial Markets Services’ Order №12-2761/PZ-I (dated 6 November 2012). NSD holds professional securities market participant license №045-12042-000100 for depository operations issued by the Russian Federal Financial Markets Services (19 February 2009), license №3294 for banking operations issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (4 August 2016), license №045-00004-000010 for clearing activities issued by the Russian Federal Financial Markets Services (20 December 2012), and license №045-01 for repository operations issued by the Bank of Russia (28 December 2016).

1 Net profit has been indicated in accordance with NSD’s RAS financial statements

2 Approved by the company’s AGM on 31 May 2016.

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