On 25 June 2020, a meeting of the Supervisory Board of National Settlement Depository, Russia’s central securities depository, was held.
The Supervisory Board elected members of the Supervisory Board committees:
- Budget Committee;
- Audit Committee;
- Nomination and Remuneration Committee;
- Technological Policy and Development Committee;
- Strategy Committee.
The Supervisory Board approved the following amended and restated documents:
- Clearing Rules of National Settlement Depository;
- Fee Schedule and Payment Guidelines for Clearing Services of NSD.
The approved version of Clearing Rules of National Settlement Depository will be put into effect once it is registered with the Bank of Russia.
The Supervisory Board took into account:
- NSD’s 5M 2020 Performance Report;
- NSD’s 5M 2020 Report on the Implementation of the Budget of Income, Expenses, and Capital Expenditures.