NSD Announces Results of Its Supervisory Board Meeting

28 May 2021
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On 27 May 2021, a meeting of the Supervisory Board of National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia’s central securities depository, took place.

The Supervisory Board elected new members of NSD’s Supervisory Board Committees:

The Supervisory Board established an Interim Commission comprising the following Supervisory Board members:

  • Anton Ostrovskiy – Commission Chairman;
  • Eddie Astanin;
  • Natalia Nikolaeva.

The Commission was established for the purpose of making proposals to the Supervisory Board as to the members of the Central Securities Depository Customer Committee.

The Supervisory Board granted permission to the Chairman of NSD's Executive Board Viktor Zhidkov to concurrently hold positions of a member of the Board of Directors of Self-Regulatory Organization “National Finance Association” and a member of the Board of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “Sports Club “Trilife”.

The Supervisory Board approved the remuneration payable for the auditor's services to audit NSD's annual financial statements for 2021, comprising the RAS financial statements and the IFRS financial statements, and to review NSD's IFRS interim financial statements for 6M 2021.

The Supervisory Board approved NSD’s membership in the Russian Board for Derivative Financial Instruments as an Observer acting in an advisory capacity.

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