NSD Announces Results of Supervisory Board Meeting

28 October 2015
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On 27 October 2015, a meeting of the Supervisory Board of National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia’s central securities depository, was held.

The members of the Board elected chairpersons of the NSD’s customer committees:

  • Olga Petrova, Head of Product Development Unit, Depository Division, Securities Department, AO Citibank, was elected as chairperson of the Customer Committee for Quality Control and Risk Management;
  • Dmitry Zaliznyak, Head of Direct Custody and Clearing, CB “J.P. Morgan Bank International” (LLC), was elected as chairman of the Customer Committee for Settlement and Depository Services and Tariffs;
  • Yuri Taranovsky, General Director, Reyestr OJSC, was elected as chairman of the Customer Committee for Registrar and Depository Relations.

The new chairpersons were entrusted to prepare the lists of candidates for the committees.  

The Supervisory Board approved the amended fees for services provided by NSD, in particular:

  • New versions of Fee schedule for NSD’s depository services and Fees for services related to operations with securities in respect of which NSD has opened CSD nominee accounts or in respect of which NSD has acted as an entity providing mandatory centralized custody of securities (hereinafter referred to as: the CSD Fees) were approved. These fees will be put into effect no sooner than 1 January 2016 upon the Bank of Russia’s approval of the CSD Fees. In addition, new fees for corporate action processing, clearing participation certificate processing, and information services were introduced.
  • Amended NSD’s Fees for Cash Transfer using “payment versus payment” servicewere approved. The fee in the amount of 0.00105% of each transfer’s sum was approved.

The Supervisory Board approved the following new versions of documents:

  • NSD Terms and conditions for the provision of depository services;
  • Rules of internal control of NSD, aimed at Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Financing;
  • NSD Clearing rules;
  • The members of the Supervisory Board also approved the Rules of organization of the system of managing risks associated with clearing operations and with the combination of clearing operations with other types of NSD’s activities.

The above mentioned documents will come into effect upon their registration with the Bank of Russia.

The meeting participants took into consideration the company’s report on 9M 2015 Performance Results and the report by NSD’s Controller of Professional Securities Market Participant for Q3 2015. They also approved an amount of the audit company’s fee for the audit of the company’s financial performance and the 2015 audit report prepared in accordance with RAS and IFRS.

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