NSD CEO Appointed the Chairman of WFC

03 June 2013
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On 31 May 2013, 280 delegates of 12th International Forum of Central Securities Depositories (CSD12), who represented 70 countries, summed up the results of the forum’s work.

In particular, on 29 May, the participants of the meeting of the World Forum of CSDs (WFC) approved the basic management principles of WFC, an informal union of five regional CSD associations. Eddie Astanin, Chairman of Executive Board, National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russian’s central securities depository, has been appointed the Chairman of WFC.

Eddie Astanin, commenting on his appointment, said: “WFC is a promising format for bilateral cooperation of the associations and CSDs allowing to hold extensive discussions and solve problems emerging in the global financial market. I am happy to point out that the forum was successful. Its results confirm that we are on the right track. I mean our strategic goal to form a regional center of liquidity integrated in the global network of central securities depositories. This approach is supported by our foreign partners.” 

The next CSD conference, the WFC 2015 Global Conference of Central Securities Depositories, will be held by the Americas' Central Securities Depositories Association (ACSDA) in April 2015 in Mexico.

The global forum of central securities depositories is held once every two years, each time in a different country, and represents a unique and prestigious opportunity for the exchange of experiences and discussion of new challenges and opportunities in the post-trading sector where CSDs play the key role. Among the delegates of the forum are representatives of regulators, central banks, providers of services, international banks and custodians as well as other professional stock market participants.

This was the first time the Association of Eurasian Central Securities Depositories (AECSD), an organization representing the central depositories of the CIS countries, had played host to this global conference. The Administration of St Petersburg was a co-organizer of CSD12. National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia's central securities depository, a part of Moscow Exchange Group, was responsible for general administration of the CSD12 project. The CSD12 Steering Committee formed by AECSD more than three years ago included representatives of Russia, Belarus, Belgium, UK, Canada, Uzbekistan, South Africa and Japan.

CSD12 was supported by four other regional associations of central depositories: the European Central Securities Depositories Association (ECSDA), the Americas' Central Securities Depositories Association (ACSDA), the Africa & Middle East Depositories Association (AMEDA), and the Asia-Pacific Central Securities Depository Group (ACG). The World Forum of CSDs (WFC), an organization formed in 2011, was responsible for general coordination of the conference.

Apart from the WFC meeting, the conference’s program included more than 15 sessions and panel discussions dedicated to the topical issues of CSD functioning, as well as receptions held in St. Petersburg’s cultural spots where the delegates knew more about the city’s history.

The charitable program included the delegates’ visits to the Gorchakov School, non-governmental educational organization opened in Pavlovsk in 1999, and the Raisa Gorbacheva Memorial Institute of Children Hematology and Transplantation.

On 30 May, the delegates took part in the morning run at the stadium of the one of St. Petersburg Olympic Reserve Schools.

Russia’s NSD was the event’s host sponsor, SWIFT (Belgium) is the conference’s platinum sponsor; KACD (CSD of Kazakhstan), Thomas Murray (UK) and Tata Consultancy Services (India) are the forum’s gold sponsors. Among the silver sponsors were AMEDA, China Central Depository and Clearing, Clearstream (Luxembourg), ECSDA, JASDEC (Japan) and KSD (Republic of Korea). Euroclear (Belgium), Millenium IT (Sri Lanka) ?/span> NASDAQ OMX (Sweden) were bronze sponsors of the event.

More information about CSD12 and its agenda are available at http://www.csd12.net/. 


The Association of Eurasian Central Securities Depositories (AECSD) unites the Central Securities Depositories of the CIS countries. The Association's mission is to develop and enhance depository operations, create a common depository "environment", and integrate the CSDs of the CIS countries into the global securities settlement system.

The start of the AECSD activities was in 2001, when its members gathered in Tashkent for the first international seminar, “Integration of Depository Systems as the Basic of Efficient Interaction on International Securities Markets”.

In accordance with the Resolution the main objective of AECSD is establishment of a common “depository environment”, including: harmonization of the regulatory framework;?development of an optimal model for the recordkeeping system to be used in the securities market of the member countries; establishment of depository links among the members to support cross-border securities transactions; standardization of the technologies for the depository operation, procedures for depository transaction processing, and rules and regulations governing the depositories' activities; adoption of international messaging standards for depository transactions and their use in the national practice; development of Electronic Document Interchange; development of harmonized standards for depository recordkeeping and reporting; supporting a coordinated process to enable the Association members to integrate into the global depository system.

For more details, please visit our web-sites: www.aecsd.com 

About NSD

National Settlement Depository (NSD) is the central securities depository of the Russian Federation, a part of the Moscow Exchange Group. NSD is Russia's national numbering agency and the substitute numbering agency for the CIS, authorized to assign the international ISIN and CFI codes.

The status of central securities depository was assigned to NSD by the Russian Federal Financial Markets Service’s order on 6 November 2012.

NSD holds professional securities market participant license #177-12042-000100 for depository operations issued by the Russian Federal Financial Markets Service on 19 February 2009, license #3294 for bank operations issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on 26 July 2012 and license #077-00004-000010 for the clearing activities issued by the Russian Federal Financial Markets Service on 20 December 2012.

Registered office: Building 8, 1/13, Sredny Kislovsky Pereulok, Moscow 125009, Russia.

Supplementary office "Krasnye Vorota": 12, Spartakovskaya St., Moscow 105066, Russia.

For further information about NSD: www.nsd.ru, or NSD Public Affairs Division: +7 495 232 0910, e-mail

Follow us in Twitter: http://twitter.com/NSD_News 

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