NSD to Disclose Information on Concession Agreements

31 August 2016
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National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia’s central securities depository, will expand its range of information services and begin publishing information on concession agreements.

From 1 September 2016, NSD will place information on concession agreement parameters, issuer-concessionaire activities related to agreement implementation, and on securities issued as part of agreements and serviced by NSD. The depository will receive data on concession agreements from the Concessionaires and long-term infrastructure investors National Association (CoLTI).

In accordance with the Moscow Exchange’s listing rules and requirements, the quarterly disclosure of this information on NSD’s website is one of conditions for adding concession securities in the quotation list of the first level of securities admitted to trading.

In addition to the mandatory information available for everyone, NSD will publish more data on its website. This information will be a part of the NSD DISC information service available for clients who concluded the respective agreement with NSD.

Concession agreements are a form of the partnership between the government and the private sector that allows private companies to be involved in the efficient management of state property or the provision of services usually rendered by the state on mutually beneficial terms.

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