On 5 June 2018, shareholders of PJSC IC RUSS-INVEST, Russia’s investment company, for the first time will use the E-voting service provided by National Settlement Depository (NSD) at its Annual General Meeting. The service will be provided with the participation of the JSC "Professional Registration Center".
IC RUSS-INVEST is a largest multi-profile stock market participant with more than 2 million shareholders. Utilizing the E-voting service will let shareholders vote online and view the AGM’s agenda and other materials. The service will be provided to shareholders free-of-charge.
IC RUSS-INVEST shareholders may vote electronically starting 15 May 2018. They may vote online by clicking the e-voting button on the main page of the Company’s website (www.russ-invest.com).
Eddie Astanin, Chairman of the Executive Board, NSD, said: “The E-voting service is an entirely new investor relations format, and an important part of the program to increase the investment attractiveness of the Russian securities market. The number of companies utilizing the service grows every year. After implementing the E-voting service, we have seen a significant increase in shareholder activity at General Meetings. This fully aligns with the interests of Russian and international issuers and investors.”
Alexander Bychkov, CEO, IC RUSS-INVEST, added: “Our company continues to implement innovative practices for exercising investor rights, and it was very important for us to add the e-voting option to our charter. This is a universal technology. It allows security holders not only participate in shareholder meetings held in the joint presence format, but also to vote at meetings held in absentia.”