This section of the website contains information on the new Trade repository Fee schedule coming in effect on 1 September 2020, billing features and frequently asked questions.
See the changes and other important information in the presentation.
Key changes into the Fee schedule are available in the table below:
# | Description | Current Fee schedule | NEW Fee schedule |
1. | Fee schedules | Fee schedule #1 and # 2.1 – 2.5 | Single Fee schedule |
2. | Declaration to ascension to the Fee schedule | Required for schedules # 2.1 – 2.5 | Not required |
3. | Effective day | 01.07.2016 | 01.09.2020 |
4. | Payer for the Trade Repository services | Sender (Reporting agent) | No changes |
Client (not a Reporting agent) | |||
Observer (who submitted CM012 form) | |||
5. | Minimum fee (minimum invoice amount) | 3 000 RUB for the provision of at least one billable service | 9 500 RUB for the provision of at least one billable service and/or at least one open contract in the Contracts register at the end of the month where client is a Reporting agent |
6. | Observer (“rejection to report”) | 3 000 RUB in case a contract was registered in the Contracts register with Observer’s Identification code | 5 000 RUB charged monthly in case CM012 form is provided |
7. | Reporting rates | ||
7.1 | Safekeeping fee |
No longer applicable |
7.2 | Message registration fee | Depends on the scale of the selected Fee schedule | New single Fee schedule |
7.3 | Payment for BULK-reports (CM083 – CM085) | 20 000 per month if number of trades does not exceed 10 000 UTIs per business day, +1 RUB per trade over specified amount | No longer applicable. Trades inside BULK-reporting forms and reports inside CM092 – CM094 are included into the calculation. If BULK-report, CM092 – CM094 form was rejected, only reporting form is charged. |
7.4 | Payment for CM092/CM094 reporting forms | 50 RUB per report, 60 000 RUB cap |
Frequently Asked Questions about new Fee schedule
Fees coming into effect
On 1 September 2020.
No, the Fee Schedule will become applicable automatically.
Clients who submitted CM012 form shall retain Observer statuses.
Observers billing features
Yes, such clients will be billed on a monthly basis, regardless of whether or not any registration actions have been made using their repository code.
Such Observer will be billed as a “regular” client and, if the price of all services provided by the Trade Repository to the Observer over the billing period does not exceed RUB 9,500, the minimum fee will apply.
If the relevant contract was deregistered during the billing period, or the client has designated a new Reporting Agent for that contract, the standard fee (RUB 5,000) will be charged with effect from the next billing period.If the contract remained registered in the Contracts Register (or if it was deregistered in the next billing period), the minimum fee will apply.
Yes, as soon as the new Fee Schedule takes effect, the Trade Repository will have that right. This means that the client whose access has been discontinued will, in order to restore its access with Observer status, have to pay the overdue fees for the Trade Repository's services and start paying for services in advance.
Any such client (an Observer) will be billed the fee for access to information held by the Trade Repository and the fee for the provision of the excerpt requested.
General billing principles
Yes, Trade Repository’s services will have to be paid for by a message sender, as well as by any client who sent no billable message but had at least one effective contract registered in the Contracts Register during the applicable billing period.
Any client who has requested and received an excerpt from the Contracts Register, or any Observer (a client who has submitted Form CM012 to the Trade Repository), is also required to pay for Trade Repository’s services.
No, the Fee schedule for Auxiliary Services remains unchanged.
The minimum fee will still be charged to a client if the price payable for all services provided by the Trade Repository to the client over the billing period does not exceed RUB 9,500.
The minimum fee will also be charged if the client has at least one effective contract registered in the Contract Register as at the end of the relevant calendar month, but no trade/action was reported by the client in that month.
To calculate the fee per data entry, the total amount paid for the services provided under paragraph 1 of the Fee Schedule (“Gathering, recording, processing, and storage of information sent to the Trade Repository”) must be divided by the rate applicable to the relevant number of messages, trades and reports reported using Reporting Forms CM083 – CM085 (CM08x), CM092 – CM094:

C is the fee per data entry;
S is the total amount paid for the services provided under paragraph 1 of the Fee Schedule
T is the number of reporting forms, trades and reports (data entries)
By the end of the billing period, the number of UTIs (trades) reported using Form CM08x and the number of events reported using Forms CM092 – CM094 will be included into the total number of messages in order to determine the applicable fee rate.
If the UTIs/reports reported using such reporting forms have been registered by the Trade Repository, the reporting forms are not counted for billing purposes, and only the trades/reports reported using such reporting forms are counted. If any such reporting form has been rejected, the client will pay for the reporting form itself only, but not for the number of UTIs/reports reported using such reporting form.
The new Fee Schedule will not apply to “technical” messages (reporting forms) that do not require making any data entry in the Contracts Register.
No fee will be charged with respect to the following reporting forms: СМ004 – СМ007, СМ009, СМ012 – СМ014, СМ016 – СМ018. СМ002 and CM003 forms are not billable when related to the Appointment of the Repoting agents by confirming or recalling CM016 form.
No request for the provision of an excerpt from the Contracts Register will be billed; the applicable fee will be charged only for the provision of the service in response to that request.
No, such trades will not be billed.
Yes. NSD recommends that the following clients make advance payments:
- Clients whose monthly invoice amount does not exceed RUB 9,500 over the period of several months;
- Observers (who have submitted Form CM012).
Yes, under the new Fee Schedule, the Trade repository will charge a separate fee for the processing of reporting forms submitted in hard copy, and such reporting forms will be included into the total message count for the billing period in order to determine the applicable fee rate.